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The Sandpiper Story

I've always enjoyed the health benefits of a spa, the wonderful feeling of escaping and switching off from the world, then returning feeling refreshed and recharged.  Over the years I have visited many spas and gradually noticed a trend of them getting busier.  Too often my escape days were being spent trying to nip into a bed or jacuzzi when it wasn't occupied, or finding somewhere to relax, only to be interrupted by a group wanting to chat.  I knew exactly what I wanted from my spa experience, but it was getting harder and harder to find.

I knew that if I was looking for the perfect escape, then other spa users were too.

We were already hiring out our swimming pool for private use, so it seemed a natural step to create the spa experience that I was looking for, right here at Sandpiper.  I had lots of ideas and knew the ambience that I wanted to create, and luckily for me, Tim had the vision and the practical skills to make it happen.  As a family we created:

'Sandpiper Spa - your own private paradise'

Sandpiper is a space where you can truly switch off from the world, in a way that is rarely found in our busy lives. 

The spa is completely family run, and right from the original dream of what we wanted to create, through to the building of the spa and now the day to day running of it, the whole family is involved.  Some of our children who helped with the building and planning of the spa have now left home, but deserve a mention, so thank you to Dani, Jack, Ryan and Ben.  Our youngest son Jayden also deserves a mention as he helps us to clean up.

Meet The Team

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